Emerging Confidence Blog

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Women looking confident while presenting

Confidence Catalysts: Unlocking the Power of Positive Communication

August 28, 20234 min read

In the journey of professional growth, women often find themselves navigating a complex landscape that demands both competence and confidence. As we balance roles as mothers, wives, daughters, and community leaders, the need for effective communication and unwavering self-assurance becomes even more paramount.

In this article, we'll delve into the world of what I call “Confidence Catalysts.”  I’ll share five strategies for positive communication that can be the driving force behind propelling you toward successful communications.

1.     Use Certainty in Your Language

Communication is a powerful tool that not only transmits information, but also shapes perceptions and attitudes. When you use language that conveys certainty and confidence, you not only present yourself as an expert but also inspire trust in your audience. By avoiding qualifiers and tentative language, such as "I think," "I'm not sure," or "I could be wrong," you project an aura of assurance that resonates with clients, colleagues, and superiors.

Imagine a scenario where you’re pitching an idea to your team. Instead of saying, "I think this idea might work," you can confidently state, "This idea will undoubtedly yield positive results because…" This shift in language reinforces the belief in the idea and instills confidence in your team members, making them more likely to rally behind your proposal.

2.     Questions and Statements

In professional settings, using statements instead of questions can amplify your credibility and assertiveness. While questions have their place, excessive use can inadvertently make you appear unsure or indecisive. By formulating statements, you can present your thoughts and ideas with greater authority.

For instance, when discussing project timelines, shifting from "Do you think we should extend the deadline?" to "Extending the deadline will allow us to ensure a higher level of quality" imparts a sense of ownership and conviction.

3.     Apologize Only When Needed

Apologizing is a valuable social skill, but over-apologizing can undermine confidence. You should save apologies for situations where you've genuinely made a mistake. Constantly saying sorry, even when unwarranted, can diminish your standing in the eyes of colleagues and superiors.

For instance, if you arrive slightly late for a meeting due to unforeseen circumstances, there's no need to apologize profusely. A simple acknowledgment of the delay and a transition into the meeting's agenda can maintain the focus on your contributions rather than the lateness. You could say, “Thanks for your patience; I’ll catch up on where we are in the agenda.”

4.     Celebrate Accomplishments

Embracing self-praise is an essential element in building professional confidence. Often, women downplay their accomplishments, attributing success to external factors or teamwork. While humility is commendable, taking credit for personal achievements is equally important. By recognizing and celebrating your accomplishments, you send a powerful message about your capabilities and aspirations.

For instance, if you played a pivotal role in securing a new client for your company, you should share your contribution during team discussions. By openly acknowledging your effort, you not only reinforce your value but also encourage others to highlight their successes.

5.     Say Thank You

Women tend to avoid compliments.  When someone tells us we did a great job, we reply with, “Oh it was nothing.  I was just doing my job.”  But gratitude can be expressed in a way that doesn't diminish one's achievements. Instead of deflecting praise with phrases like "It was nothing" or "Anyone could have done it," you should confidently acknowledge appreciation with a simple "Thank you." This demonstrates grace while simultaneously recognizing your hard work and expertise.

Imagine a scenario where you’re complimented on a successful presentation. Responding with "Thank you, I'm glad it resonated with the audience. I put a lot of effort into crafting it" reflects your dedication and skill without undercutting your achievement.

Positive communication is a cornerstone of professional success, allowing you to navigate your career with confidence and purpose. By using language that conveys certainty, favoring statements over questions, reserving apologies for genuine mistakes, celebrating accomplishments, and gracefully accepting praise, these confidence catalysts can transform communication from a mere exchange of words to a powerful tool for advancement.

As you embrace these strategies, you'll find yourself not only progressing in your careers but also inspiring the next generation of women to rise with confidence, purpose, and unwavering self-assurance.


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Sandy Stricker

Sandy Stricker is the CEO of Emerging Confidence, empowering women to listen to their inner voice and live in confidence while achieving their personal and professional goals. She helps women learn to lose the doubt so they can build a career they love and get the salary they deserve. She has more than 30 years of experience coaching high-performing women.

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