Emerging Confidence Blog

Weekly inspiration to help you learn to trust yourself so you can build the life and career you want and earn the salary you deserve.

Confidence Catalysts: Unlocking the Power of Positive Communication

In the journey of professional growth, women often find themselves navigating a complex landscape that demands both competence and confidence. In this article, we'll delve into the world of what I ca... ...more

Imposter Syndrome ,self-talk Confidence self esteem &Mindset

August 28, 20234 min read

Confidence Catalysts: Unlocking the Power of Positive Communication

The Power of Choice: Learning to act, versus react.

Life is full of ups and downs; sometimes, it feels like we're drowning in a sea of problems. But here's the thing - we have the power to make our own decisions when faced with adversity. Yes, you read... ...more

Growth and Development ,Imposter Syndrome self-talk &Confidence

April 17, 20235 min read

The Power of Choice: Learning to act, versus react.

I Needed Help: Why is it so hard to ask for it?

Asking for help can be difficult for many people, but it can be particularly challenging for women who prioritize taking care of others before themselves. Research has shown that women are less likely... ...more

Self-care ,Goals self-talk Confidence &resilience

April 10, 20234 min read

I Needed Help: Why is it so hard to ask for it?

When "Positive Vibes Only" isn't Helpful

Toxic positivity is the idea that we should always maintain a positive attitude, no matter what. It's the belief that if we simply think positive thoughts, everything in our lives will magically fall ... ...more

self-talk ,resilience &self esteem

March 26, 20235 min read

When "Positive Vibes Only" isn't Helpful

Unleashing Your Inner Goddess: A Journey to Body Positivity

Let’s face it: we've all had those moments where we catch a glimpse of ourselves in the mirror and think, "Whoa, is that what I really look like?" But not you! You're going to LOVE your body and unle... ...more

appearance ,self-talk Confidence &self esteem

February 27, 20237 min read

Unleashing Your Inner Goddess: A Journey to Body Positivity

Using Self-Care to Build a Healthier Relationship With Yourself

When you hear the term self-care, what pops into your head? So often, the images that one sees with self-care are bubble baths. In fact, a quick image search for the term showed women relaxing in a ... ...more

Self-care ,Imposter Syndrome &self-talk

February 06, 20236 min read

Using Self-Care to Build a Healthier Relationship With Yourself
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