Cultivate clarity in your goals, nurture unshakable confidence, and ignite the courage to chase your dreams

You have so much to offer...

but your own self-doubt

is getting in the way of pursuing your dreams!

Well girl, it’s time you

learn to believe in yourself!

and go after the life you’ve only dreamed of.

"I loved working with Sandy! She's both thoughtful and thought-provoking.

I arrived at our first session feeling very lost.

With her support over the weeks, I was able to find my "Why?".

Finding this has allowed me to pivot to create a new goal,

a new path, and a solid understanding of how to get there. "

--Kristen L

You're smart.

You know what you need to do,

and even know how to do it.

But you're stuck in the "what if" loop!

You have "whatifitis"!

Lack of Clarity

You don’t have any goals or sense of direction in your life. If you do, you’re not sure how to reach them.  

You ask yourself, “What if I choose the wrong direction?”

Lack of Confidence

You don’t have the confidence to speak up at work, at home, or in your personal life.  

You ask yourself, “What if ‘they’ think I don’t know what I’m doing?”

Lack of Courage

You’re afraid to take risks or put yourself ‘out there’. You're hesitant to speak up in meetings, volunteer for special project or apply for jobs.

You ask yourself, “What if I apply for that job and they tell me no?”

Overcoming "whatifitis"

is only going to be possible

through the Fearful to Fabulous™️ Framework.

It's THE key to getting UNSTUCK

and freeing yourself from "whatifitis"!

Let me break down exactly why this works!



When you’re struggling to find clarity in your life, it’s hard to know what actions to take.

As the Cheshire Cat says to Alice in Wonderland, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there."  

When you don’t know where “there” is, you tend to struggle with focus and decision-making.

Without clear goals and direction, you spend time and effort on activities that don’t contribute to long-term success.

You work harder and put in more hours to get ahead.

You’re juggling ALL the balls and dropping most of them.

Heck, at this point, you’re just trying to keep the balls in the same room.  

In my Fearful to Fabulous program you’ll Gain Clarity by…

  • Envisioning what your dream life could look like

  • Identifying the areas of your life where focus needs to be directed

  • Creating a vivid vision of your future life

  • Setting specific goals to help you reach your dreams



Once you have a clear direction, you need to build confidence in yourself to pursue it.  

Confidence is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. And like learning to build strong muscles in the gym, you need to learn to build that confidence muscle.  

Without that confidence we tend to have the negative inner critic telling us all the reasons we shouldn’t go after our dreams.

We start to believe the self-limiting words and can talk ourselves into giving up because, well, we just don’t’ think we’re “good enough”, “smart enough”, or any other enough.  

But you ARE MORE THAN enough!

In the Fearful to Fabulous program you’ll Build Confidence by…

  • Changing the dialogue with your inner critic

  • Learning the skills to embrace rejection

  • Overcoming overthinking and “whatifitis”

  • Conquering your perfectionism



Armed with clear goals and an overwhelming sense of confidence you’re ready to conquer your dreams and even the world. Now it’s time to seize the opportunity and show the world what you’ve got.

Queue a “whatifitis” relapse in 3…2…1..

Suddenly, you feel like you’re not ready to take those risks; you’re afraid of what might happen.
So, you go back to where you were…stuck in whatifitis.”

The problem is, you’re not just stuck in “whatifits”, you’re stuck in life.

That leads to financial consequences, because while you’d love that promotion, you’re afraid you’re not qualified enough. Knowing what you want but not having the courage to pursue it results in a lingering sense of dissatisfaction and frustration.

But you’re NOT going to give up. You’re no quitter.

In the Fearful to Fabulous program you’ll Find Courage by…

  • Communicating with confidence

  • Developing an executive presence

  • Presenting a personal brand that people WANT to know more about

Are you ready

to make the changes

that will

move your career forward

and help you

build a life you'll love?

Do that and MORE with the

Fearful to Fabulous Program

Here's a secret about me.

I suffered from imposter syndrome.

No matter what I did at work or home, I just never felt like I was good enough.

I believed any promotions I received were because I “knew someone.”

When I was complimented on a good job,
I downplayed it by saying it was "No big deal."

And I constantly worried that someone would figure out I had no idea what I was doing.

But guess what?

I figured it out!

And now, I want to share my secrets with you.

As Glinda the Good Witch said to Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz,

“You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.”

That’s why you're going to love the

Fearful to Fabulous Framework

“After only two months of working with Sandy, I realized I've grown and changed in ways I didn't expect I would, and it has been the biggest gift I could've asked for. Sandy is an amazing coach who will make you feel like you've got this, you are worthy, you are amazing, and you have it all in you.”

Marina M

Whether you're looking to build your self-esteem, find the courage to start something new,

want to learn how to speak to others with more confidence,

the process I use is the same because, well... just works!

These are the same skills that I taught to hundreds of women during a 30+ year career in HR, Talent Development, and Training!

And many of those women have become senior leaders, entrepreneurs, and CEOs.

Others are living happy, fulfilling lives where they have confidence in their skills, talents, and who they are. They KNOW they're good enough, smart enough and every other enough!

Welcome to the Fearful to Fabulous Program

A 90-day small group program

for women who are ready to shine!

wondering if this

program is for you?

You're the right woman for the

Fearful to Fabulous Program

if you want to learn how to...

Speak to

yourself with


(no more "not good enough" self-talk)





Embrace Rejection

(no more thinking "they didn't like me enough")

Release your perfectionism

(no more putting things off because you can't do them "Perfect")

Speak and present CONFIDENTLY

(No more staying quiet, thinking your ideas aren't good enough!)

"She opened my eyes to my own self-doubt".

Sandy has always been an inspiration for other women, myself included! She believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. She opened my eyes to my own self-doubt and that's when I began my path to believing in myself! "

Jan O.

Sandy, I have questions!

Why is there an application process?

Everyone who signs up for the Fearful to Fabulous Program receives personal attention. There are three one-on-one coaching sessions, a support community, and email support for those times you just need a little more help.

With that in mind, I want to make sure that I save space for the women who are wholly committed to reaching their goals by gaining clarity, building confidence, and finding the courage to reach their goals!

Are the session live or recorded?

The training is pre-recorded to accommodate your busy schedule. You can do them when or where you want. There's even an audio version so you can listen on the go. The coaching sessions are live and scheduled based on schedules.

Can't I just find all this info online?

Of course! There are tons of books, videos, and resources online that can teach you everything you'd learn in the Fearful to Fabulous Program. Do you really want to spend hours searching for the answers to build your confidence and self-esteem? Even if you did, how do you practice, get feedback, and refine your skills?

Or would you rather join me for 60 days so I can show you a simple way to gain clarity on your goals, build confidence to go after them, and find the courage to achieve them?

How much is the program?

Enrollment in the program is $4497. It includes unlimited access to the training, community support, workbooks and journals, and three one-on-one coaching sessions. Think you can't afford it? Read on.

I have more questions!

No problem! Send an email with your questions to [email protected] and I'll answer them as soon as I can.

Think you can't afford it?

Ask yourself what your imposter syndrome is costing you?

Up to 82% of people face feelings of impostor syndrome,

struggling with the sense they've not earned what they have,

and that people will one day figure out they have no idea what they're doing.

Studies show that imposter syndrome:

  • Impedes opportunities for promotion because we don't apply for jobs we think we're not ready for.

  • Results in lower earnings because we don't take risks and apply for those jobs.

  • Causes us to take less financial risks because we're constantly asking "what if...".

  • Decreases our productivity as we do things over and over because it's "not perfect yet."

  • And that perfectionism decreases productivity and may result in lower raises

  • Increases our entrepreneurial inactivity because self-doubt stops us from doing the things we need to do.

  • Causes additional stress and health costs.

Are YOU ready to go from Fearful to Fabulous?

When you join the program, you'll get:

Unlimited Access

I get it; you're busy. You've got a million and one things going on and may need a little longer to go through everything. I got you, girl! You have unlimited access to the materials on our secure members portal.

Video and Audio

Whether you prefer learning by video or audio, you have options. Not only does is each lesson a video lesson, you'll also receive downloadable audio files to listen to on the go.

Three 1-1 Coaching Sessions

Because I want to see you succeed, you'll receive three one-on-one coaching sessions to set you on your path forward! Want more? Additional sessions are available at a reduced rate!

Fearful to Fabulous


Building your confidence requires introspection and reflection. With the Fearful to Fabulous workbook™, you'll have daily opportunities to look back on how you're applying the lessons learned, triggers that may be causing your confidence to take a dip, and a place to record how you're succeeding!

Fearful to Fabulous

Goal Tracker

A partner to the Fearful to Fabulous™️ Workbook, the Goal Tracker is a great way to track your goals and progress towards those goals. It's also a place to capture your accomplishments!

Facebook Community Support

You'll get access to our Fearful to Fabulous™️ Facebook Community, which serves as a virtual space where you can connect with others, share insights, seek advice, and celebrate successes. It not only keeps you motivated but also provides a platform to ask questions and receive real-time feedback from peers and me.

Are YOU ready to move from

Fearful to Fabulous?

Let’s find out!

To ensure each member has the best experience, and because of the individualized nature of the program, Fearful to Fabulous only runs twice a year.
Hit the application button, and let's get you on the road to fabulous!

Still on the fence about Fearful to Fabulous?

"If you hang around with me long enough, I'll convince you that you can do anything you put your mind to."

-Sandy Stricker

About Sandy and Emerging Confidence

I’m Sandy Stricker, the founder of Emerging Confidence. I am a woman who is confident in her skills and abilities—but that wasn’t always the case.

  • Early in my career, I felt that I “lucked into” jobs.

  • I downplayed my achievements

  • I was constantly comparing myself to others.

The skills I teach in this program are the same ones I taught myself to take me from being laid off and lost to running my own business.

If that sounds like the transformation you need, I can’t wait to help you make it. I was able to build my confidence, and now I’m passionate about doing the same for other women! - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - TERMS & CONDITIONS