Emerging Confidence Blog

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I feel invisible

February 21, 20234 min read

“Everywhere I go, I feel invisible.  People want to talk to everyone else.  I just stand there, ignored.”

I overheard that conversation the other day.

It stopped me in my tracks.

I didn’t know this woman, who she was talking to, or what prompted her to say this.  All I know is I felt this at my very core. 

If you’ve ever felt invisible, I know it can be a difficult and lonely experience to feel like others are not noticing or acknowledging you.   

In the movie Avatar, “I See You” is a formal greeting and a sign of respect.  It means you are being heard and being paid attention to.  And we all want to be seen and respected.

We’ve all felt invisible from time to time and sometimes wish we were.  Who hasn’t had a situation where you wish the floor would just swallow you up? In embarrassing situations, feeling invisible may be a superpower.

But as someone who was ALWAYS chosen last for sports, trust me--it sucks.

I can’t go back to the woman whose conversation I overheard, but if any of you have ever felt the same, I’m hoping I can share some ideas to help you overcome the feeling. 

Why do I feel invisible?

Feeling invisible can be a common experience for many people and can be caused by a variety of factors. Here are some possible reasons why you might be feeling invisible:

Lack of validation: If you feel like your ideas, feelings, or contributions are not being acknowledged or valued by others, you may feel like you are invisible. This can happen in personal relationships, at work, or in social settings.

Social anxiety: If you struggle with social anxiety, you may feel like you are invisible because you tend to withdraw and avoid social interactions. This can make it difficult for others to notice you or engage with you.

Low self-esteem: Low self-esteem can make you feel like you are not worthy of attention or recognition. This can make you feel invisible, as you may believe that others do not value you or your contributions.

Feeling disconnected: If you feel like you do not have close relationships or a sense of community, you may feel invisible. This can be especially true if you are struggling or dealing with a personal challenge.

Physical appearance: If you do not feel confident in your physical appearance, you may feel like you are invisible or that others do not notice or value you.

It is important to remember that feeling invisible is a common experience, and you are not alone.

What can I do if I feel invisible?

If you are struggling with this feeling, there are steps you can take to address the underlying causes and build connections with others. Consider talking to a therapist or counselor, reaching out to supportive friends or family members, and practicing self-care and self-compassion.

Feeling invisible can be a difficult and isolating experience. Here are some steps you can take to help address these feelings:

Take care of yourself. This means getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly. When we are feeling low or down, it can be easy to neglect our basic needs, but taking care of ourselves is important for our mental and emotional well-being. This may also include meditation, reading, or spending time in nature.

Reach out to others. This might mean initiating conversations or activities with friends, family members, or colleagues. You could also try joining groups or clubs that align with your interests, as this can be a great way to meet new people and feel more connected.

Recognize your feelings: Acknowledge and accept that you are feeling invisible. It is important to validate your emotions and understand that it's normal to feel this way.

Identify your strengths: Take some time to identify your strengths and what makes you unique. Focus on your positive qualities and talents to boost your self-esteem and confidence.

Take action: If you feel invisible in certain situations, take action to change it. This could involve speaking up more, joining a group or organization that aligns with your interests, or finding ways to contribute in meaningful ways.

Talk to someone: It can be helpful to talk to someone you trust about your feelings of invisibility. This could be a friend, family member, therapist or counselor. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone can help you gain a different perspective and provide you with support.

Feeling invisible is a common experience, and it's possible to work through these feelings with patience, self-compassion, and support. But if your feelings of invisibility persist or are interfering with your daily life, consider seeking support from a mental health professional. They can help you work through your feelings and develop strategies to cope with them.

Remember, you are not alone, and it's okay to ask for help when you need it.

If you’d like to talk one on one and get additional ideas, send me a message and let’s talk.  Because I see you.  ♥️

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Sandy Stricker

Sandy Stricker is the CEO of Emerging Confidence, empowering women to listen to their inner voice and live in confidence while achieving their personal and professional goals. She helps women learn to lose the doubt so they can build a career they love and get the salary they deserve. She has more than 30 years of experience coaching high-performing women.

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